Monday, January 19, 2009

New Year & New Purpose!!!

I am in the process of reorganizing my Handspun Jewelry Designs inventory and am aiming to have new items listed everyday. Times are tough for all so my goal is to list everything at an affordable price. Come check us out!!!

On a lighter note, my daughter is watching her new Peter Pan movie for the 9,000th time since Christmas. It is amazing the background noise you can tune out as a parent, but for some reason the "I can fly" song just gets stuck in my head everytime!!!

Hope everyones' year has started out well!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Why does it feel like June 2009 already???

This year has just started and it feels like it is going by much to fast!!! I am busy cleaning house and actually have listed some of my daughters clothes she doesn't wear anymore on Ebay to try and clean house. I am actively trying to live a more enjoyable and clutterfree life for 2009. I do not think I am succeeding yet but I am trying and that is what counts!!! I have been busy creating some new earrings I will be listing on both Ebay & Etsy. I know that many are strapped during this hurtful recession so I wanted to make some small pick me up gifts!

Hope all is well =)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!

Hello 2009....
I like other folks am very happy to see 2009. The end of a year has such a symbolic meaning for so many. I normally don't do Resolutions for the new year but this year seems different to me for some reason so I have decided to list a few:
1. Always remember what is really important in my life
2. Work hard to spend more time with my family while increasing my exposure for Handspun Jewelry Designs online (easier said than done)
3. Don't stress about what I don't have around me (whether it be family or whatever) and focus on what I do.

I will be posting some new store items both on Ebay and Etsy. Come check me out! Happy New Year!!!!